Melissa Marver, MS

Credentials: Doctoral Student

Position title: Population Health Sciences


A young woman with glasses and brown hair tied up in a bun smiles toward the camera.

Melissa’s research interests center in patient experiences in health care, particularly for marginalized populations (e.g. immigrant and limited English proficient (LEP) populations). She is also interested in qualitative and mixed-methods research. A PhD student in Population Health, Melissa is co-advised by Dr. Rachel Grob. She earned her MS in Population Health in 2017 while working with Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs, and graduated with a BS in Engineering Psychology (Human Factors & Ergonomics) from Tufts University in 2006. Prior to entering graduate school, she worked for nearly 10 years as a user experience researcher and strategist. Melissa is currently a scholar in the TEAM-Science Program, funded by an NIH R25 awarded to Dr. Molly Carnes, PI.